Price Match Guarantee

Solar Price Match Guarantee

In order to fulfill our promise of providing you with the lowest priced solar, Zanbur is offering a price match guarantee. Join us in accelerating the world’s transition to sustainable energy, all while obtaining the lowest priced solar panels, within a fast and simple installation process.


Your proposal may be eligible for price matching if it is a:  


The proposal must offer a system that includes an inverter, a minimum 10-year warranty and is the same or larger than the Zanbur solar system you have ordered. Zanbur will review each proposal on a price per watt basis.

Recent Quote

The quote must be dated within 14 days of order and represent the same financing option to be considered. It must also include permit and installation costs, and should not reflect any discounts from the competitor.

Matching Owner Details

The quote must contain the name and address used to order Zanbur solar panels.

How to Take Advantage of Price Match Guarantee

* Zanbur reserves the right to reject any price match requests that we believe have been submitted in bad faith. By submitting a competitive quote, you agree that Zanbur may contact the solar provider who issued the quote in order to validate its terms and in doing so may have to disclose your name and/or installation address. Zanbur may choose to end this program at any time and without further notice. Price match offers cannot be assigned to other customers and cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts or promotions, other than Zanbur’s referral program.