As solar power comes from the sun, it makes sense to maximize your energy consumption on the day when the sun shines. By default, Zanbur solar systems come with a battery system to store all excess energy for nighttime consumption.
Self-consuming solar energy is much more financially viable and a much better use of your investment. With a few behavioral changes and the formation of new habits, you can easily start to maximize your solar energy consumption.
Time your usage wisely
The most energy-intensive household items include your washing machine and dishwasher. While that may not sound like much, if you use these appliances multiple times a week, it adds up over the course of the year.
If you can, set a timer to have these appliances start at certain times during the day, or switch them on just before you go to work. North facing panels are the most ideal position for consistent sunshine throughout the day. If you have the benefit of a north face, you can spread your usage throughout the day. If you have panels on your east-facing roof, most of your power generation will be produced in the mornings, as this is where the sun rises, so schedule your prime appliances for this time. If you have west-facing panels, you could use most of your larger appliances in the afternoon.
Understand your usage
A helpful way to understand where your electricity consumption is coming from is through online monitoring systems. These platforms, when used in conjunction with an intelligent meter, can provide real-time data of your household electricity consumption, solar production, and the amount of excess solar power exported to the grid.
Understanding your electricity usage will help you make educated decisions on how to best utilize your self-generated solar power.
Manage your heating and cooling
Heating and cooling your home through your air conditioner can be costly. However, if timed correctly, you can often handle your air conditioner on solar power alone. If you’re out during the day and want to come home to a cool or warmer home, time your air conditioner to come on in the afternoon to set the temperature to your preferred level so you won’t have to perform it through the night.
Change charging times to daytime/reusable chargers
Switching to charging your phone, laptops and tablets during the day is a simple way to better utilize your solar energy. However, charging your phone during the day can be challenging for most people, as they’re usually at work and take their phones or laptops with them. Here, you can evaluate charging your reusable batteries or portable charger during the day while you’re at work, and plugging them into your devices at night. This way, you still wake up with a fully charged battery and have used your self-generated solar to power them.
Often cordless operated appliances are battery charged, and therefore require recharging. Just like the electronic devices, you can charge your appliances during the day when your solar system produces energy.
The inclement weather will be here before we know it, but this doesn’t mean your system won’t be of any use during the winter months. Winter is an ideal time for hearty slow-cooker meals, and the greatest part is you can leave your slow cooker on during the day whilst you’re at work, powered by your solar system. You can also do this with bread makers, which usually requires about 3-4 hours of cooking time.
Use smart home tech
If you don’t have the ability to be at home during the day, investing in smart home technology could be the solution. Smart home tech uses devices connected through the internet to control and automate their functions through an app or monitoring system.
Smart home tech can perform multiple functions, including controlling your appliances to be switched on and off as you please, regulate the temperature of your home and lighting control. By incorporating this technology into your home, you can control your appliances to work during the day and maximize your solar energy consumption.
Your solar PV system is a significant investment for your home. Understanding the best ways to use it will provide you with the biggest benefit.
If you’d like more information on how solar can work for your home, please contact us today.